Sermons on Matthew (Page 6)
What God is Offering
Scriptural text: Matthew 11:28-30, Ephesians 1:1-7
Is the Church of Christ the Right Church?
Scriptural text: Matthew 16:18
Scriptural text: Matthew 19:16-24
The Word of Faith
Scriptural text: Matthew 4:4
Take His Word for It
Scriptural text: Matthew 8:5-13
Orders From Headquarters
Scriptural text: Matthew 17:1-5
He Substituted for Me
Scriptural text: Matthew 26:36-46
There is But One (Evening)
Scriptural text: Daniel 2:43-44, Matthew 16:13-19
There is But One (Morning)
Scriptural text: Daniel 2:43-44, Matthew 16:13-19
While Men Slept
Scriptural text: Matthew 13:24-30