Clyde Brown, Sr
Clyde W. Brown, Sr. was baptized October 10, 1977, and has been an active and faithful member of the church for the last 29 years. In those years he has served as a bible school teacher. Currently Bro. Brown is the group leader of Zone 2 and the Benevolence Committee Coordinator. He is married to Mary, his wife of over 30 years. They have two adult children, Lesley and Clyde Jr.
Nathan Burton
Nathan Burton was baptized August 11, 1968, in Detroit, Michigan, while his father William Burton Jr. served in the United States Air Force. Bro. Burton is happily married to his wife Brenda, and they have three children: Lamont, Danielle, and Michelle. He is group leader of Zone 10, Congregational Song Leader, Choral Director, and Maintenance and Lawn service member.
Mike McCulloch
Mike McCulloch was baptized April 17, 1975, at Darby Drive Church of Christ in Florence, Alabama. He later attended Westside Church of Christ in Florence, Alabama, from 1976-79. The McCullochs placed membership with us in 1979, and have served faithfully since. Bro. McCulloch is currently serving as the Adult Sunday School teacher, group leader of Zone 13, Worship Coordinator, and Evangelism Committee Leader. He is married to Rita, his wife of 33 years. They have two children, Amber and Jason.
Stan Miles
Stan Miles was born and raised in Richmond, Virginia and baptized into the church of Christ in August of 1986. Attending the Dill Avenue congregation, under the leadership of Joseph H. Brown, Bro. Miles grew spiritually and moved his family to Memphis TN, where he served as a deacon with the Norris Road family for ten years. Bro. Miles returned to Richmond and serves as an elder with the Sandy Lane church of Christ. Bro. Miles is married to Patrice,…
Perry Smith, Sr
Perry Smith, Sr. was baptized in March 1979 at our congregation where he has served faithfully since. He is currently the Visitors’ Bible class teacher and group leader for Zone 8. He is married to Linda, his wife of more than 33 years. They have two adult children, Tracey and Perry Jr.

Jasper Bodiford III
Solomon Davis
Solomon Davis was baptized February 9, 1979. Bro. Davis has served as a group leader for Zone 8, church treasurer, song director, and youth group helper. He is currently the co-coordinator of the Membership Committee and the Transportation Ministry. He is married to Jacqueline, his wife of more than 35 years. They have two adult children, Yolonda and Kim.

David Hughes