Sermons from 2013 (Page 8)
Untitled Sermon
Scriptural text: Jeremiah 1:5
Orders From Headquarters
Scriptural text: Matthew 17:1-5
Making Two One
Scriptural text: Ephesians 2:10-14
Saved by Grace Through Faith
Scriptural text: Ephesians 2:1-11
A Nation in Crisis
Scriptural text: Isaiah 59:1-5
What is God Like?
Psalms 19:1-14, John 4:23-24
Everlasting Life: What is it Worth to You? (Evening)
Scriptural text: Luke 14:25-33
Everlasting Life: What is it Worth to You? (Morning)
Scriptural text: Luke 14:25-33
He Substituted for Me
Scriptural text: Matthew 26:36-46